Blowing wind conditions have sent Great Britain’s grid carbon intensity to stunning lows this week, with some regions of the country recording carbon intensities as low as 12g CO2/kWh.

Storm Ali has brought sustained winds at speeds of up to 80 miles per hour to regions of the UK, with Scotland’s west coast hardest hit, but the weather system has provided a boon for the country’s wind fleet.

Earlier today National Grid tweeted from its ESO Control Room account a graphic revealing that wind was the most prolific electricity generation technology yesterday (Tuesday 18 September), providing nearly one-third (31.6%) of the country’s power demand.

Total low carbon power, including generation from nuclear, biomass, solar and hydro, amounted to just shy of 70% of the UK’s power demand.

Gas and coal, at 22.2% and 2.9% respectively, contributed just more than a quarter of the UK’s power demand combined.

It led to a total carbon intensity of 136g CO2/kWh for Great Britain in total, however regions with a high penetration of wind power enjoyed particularly low carbon intensities.

In comparison Drax Electricity Insights paints a more optimistic picture for the whole of the UK, placing its carbon intensity at 124g CO2/kWh.

Read more: Current News