It’s no surprise that within the solar community energy storage is most often discussed in the context of solar+storage. But what about the potential for energy storage where there is no PV system?

Whether you’re talking about residential or C&I applications, the truth is that batteries can help optimize any power generation source including solar, wind, grid power, or fuel-based generators by storing reserves and lowering energy costs, creating energy security for home and business owners.

Solar installers know that in a solar+storage system, PV generation is used to charge the batteries during the day for use at night, periods of inclement weather or grid outages. Similarly, wind turbines can be used to charge batteries when the wind is blowing, day or night, for use when wind conditions are unfavorable.

Even in the case of traditional fossil fuel power generation, energy storage can be a game changer.

Storage as a service

Where utility rate structures are based on time of use (TOU), batteries can charge from the grid during off-peak hours and discharge during the highest rate periods — protecting home and business owners from paying more for energy used during those times. This type of grid-tied energy storage opens up opportunities for smarter and less costly energy consumption for residential and commercial customers alike. This is also true for those who rent or lease their property and cannot install solar energy on their roof.

Further, for those home and business owners who want energy security but cannot yet afford a solar or wind power system, the installation of only a few batteries can deliver the energy resiliency they need during an outage as a first step.

Read more: Solar Builder Mag