Solar and Battery

Rising energy bills top concern for UK homeowners

A new survey of 2,000 homeowners indicates that nearly half of Brits consider rising energy bills their primary concern, prompting 39% to prioritise energy improvements to their properties Figures from a survey of 2,000 homeowners indicate that rising energy bills have become the primary concern for almost half of Brits, with 39% identifying it as the strongest motivator for

How Exactly Do Solar Panels Help The Environment?

Whether people like to believe it or not, climate change is causing the overall warming of the planet, rising sea levels, and destruction of the ozone layer. Energy is a major component to why climate change has become such a crisis, as so many systems rely on fuel that cause massive amounts of greenhouse gas

Investing in Solar Panels Improves Heating and Lower Bills

New research from Halifax reveals that investing in solar panels leads to possible cost and energy savings for landlords and other homeowners. According to the survey of 2,000 owners, rising energy bills are now their number one concern, with 49% citing this as a key challenge – and the strongest trigger for making energy

Public opening own homes to show eco changes

People who have adapted their homes to make them more eco-friendly are inviting the public in to see the changes. The Wiltshire Climate Alliance, supported by Wiltshire Council and the Centre for Sustainable Energy, have put together a map of the open houses. The Green Open Homes Week in the county runs until 17 March.

IEA: Wind, solar and EVs help curb CO2 emissions but heat pump growth stutters

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has detailed in two new reports that a rise in the deployment of solar, wind and electric vehicles (EV) has helped soften the increase of carbon (CO2) emissions across 2023. In its newly published Clean Energy Market Monitor and CO2 Emissions Report studies, the reports showcase how the rise in both renewable and electrification

UK sees record increase in solar power installations

In January 2024, UK’s solar capacity hit 15.7GW across 1,454,607 installations, marking a 6.6% increase since January 2023, with domestic installations leading the charge, according to latest report According to the latest data, solar power installations in the UK have surged, reaching a total capacity of 15.7GW across 1,454,607 installations by the end of January 2024. This

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